Professional Training Programs

We offer continuous professional training programs to our staff at all properties, which includes participation in lectures and field trips led by our many visiting experts.

Young Explorers

Expert biologists from our partner Te mana o te moana lead engaging programs for our young explorers, including guests and local schoolchildren. The Lagoon School at The Brando offer opportunities for children to learn about the conservation of our precious natural resources through interactive educational activities.

Local Sourcing

As part of our commitment to supporting island businesses and artisans, we source our supplies and ingredients as locally as possible, including from our staff’s family farms and shops.

Internships for Young Islanders

Through internships, we invite local students to learn about the tourism and hospitality industry by gaining hands-on professional experience, providing new career options for young islanders.

Supporting Local Schools & Teams

Each of our properties offers in-kind donations of meals and room nights for special school or sports events each year.

Ethics Charter

The Ethics Charter defines the principles and values to which Pacific Beachcomber SC and all its subsidiaries adhere, and which must guide every Group employee in the day-to-day practice of his or her profession.